Fremont Analytical Inc. is a full service environmental laboratory located in the Fremont neighborhood in Seattle, WA. Fremont Analytical offers a full range of analytical services including organic, inorganic and general chemistry analyses for soil, water and air.

News & Updates

Department of Defense Accreditation

Fremont Analytical, Inc. is proud to announce that we are now accredited by the

Department of Defense Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (DoD ELAP)

The DoD ELAP accreditation applies to environmental programs/projects at DoD operations, activities, and installations, including Government-owned, contractor-operated facilities and formerly used defense sites, where testing is being performed in support of environmental restoration programs.

Fremont Analytical: In the Heart of Fremont

We are located in Fremont on the corner of Fremont Avenue N. and N. 36th St. No need to search for parking, we have plenty of parking spaces in the back of our building, allowing you to get in and out quickly.

3600 Fremont Avenue N.

Seattle, WA 98103

Alaska Accreditation

Fremont Analytical, Inc. is now accredited in Alaska. Current tests include Alaska-specific accreditation methods as well as common EPA methods: Diesel Range and Residual Range Organics by AK 102 – 103, Gasoline Range Organics by AK 101, Volatile Organic Compounds, and Metals, etc.

Dissolved Gasses by RSK-175

Fremont Analytical, Inc. is very excited to offer Dissolved Gases by RSK-175. With one of our GC-FID machines dedicated specifically to the RSK-175 method, the lab is capable of analyzing for methane, ethane and ethylene at standard and low-level detection limits.


Dissolved Gasses by RSK-175

Fremont Analytical, Inc. is very excited to offer Dissolved Gases by RSK-175. With one of our GC-FID machines dedicated specifically to the RSK-175 method, the lab is capable of analyzing for methane, ethane and ethylene at standard and low-level detection limits.