Container Requirements

Samples should be received by Fremont Analytical as soon as possible. Please refer to sample holding times, preservatives and sample collection requirements.
Contact the lab for possible QC requirements.


Parameter Method Container/Preservatives Holding Time
Alkalinity SM 2320B Modified 4 to 8 oz Glass Jar / Cool 4°C Analyze within 14 Days
Anions - Br, Cl, F, SO4 EPA 300.0 4 to 8 oz Glass Jar / Cool 4°C Analyze within 28 Days
Anions - NO2, NO3, PO4 EPA 300.0 4 to 8 oz Glass Jar / Cool 4°C Analyze within 48 Hours
BTEX / Gasoline Range Hydrocarbons EPA 8021B/8260 4 to 8 oz Glass Jar / Field Preservation Kit* / Cool 4°C Analyze within 14 Days
Cyanide SM 4500-CN C,E 2 to 4 oz Glass Jar / Cool 4°C Analyze within 28 Days
Diesel Range Organics NWTPH-Dx/EPA 8015/AK102-103 4 to 8 oz Glass Jar / Cool 4°C Extract within 14 Days / Analyze within 40 Days of Extraction
Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (EPH) NWEPH 4 to 8 oz Glass Jar / Cool 4°C Extract within 14 Days / Analyze within 40 Days of Extraction
Herbicides EPA 8151A 4 to 8 oz Glass Jar / Cool 4°C Extract within 14 Days / Analyze within 40 Days of Extraction
Hexavalent Chromium EPA 7196 4 to 8 oz Glass Jar / Cool 4°C Analyze within 28 Days
Ignitability / Flashpoint ASTM D93/ SW 1010 4 to 8 oz Glass Jar / Cool 4°C Analyze within 28 Days
Langelier Index / Corrosivity SM 2330B 2 to 4 oz Glass Jar / Cool 4°C Analyze immediately
Mercury (Hg) EPA 6020/7471 4 to 8 oz Glass Jar / Cool 4°C Analyze within 28 Days
Metals (Except Mercury) EPA 6020 4 to 8 oz Glass Jar / Cool 4°C Analyze within 6 Months
Pentachlorophenol EPA 8151 4 to 8 oz Glass Jar / Cool 4°C Analyze within 14 Days
Pesticides EPA 8081/8141A 4 to 8 oz Glass Jar / Cool 4°C Extract within 14 Days / Analyze within 40 Days of Extraction
pH EPA 9045D 2 to 4 oz Glass Jar / Cool 4°C Analyze immediately
Phosphorus, Total EPA 365.3 4 to 8 oz Glass Jar / Cool 4°C Analyze within 28 Days
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs/Aroclor) EPA 8082 4 to 8 oz Glass Jar / Cool 4°C Extract within 14 Days / Analyze within 40 Days of Extraction
Semi Volatile Organic Compounds (sVOC) EPA 8270 4 to 8 oz Glass Jar / Cool 4°C Extract within 14 Days / Analyze within 40 Days of Extraction
Salinity EPA 2520B 4 to 8 oz Glass Jar / Cool 4°C Analyze within 8 Days
TCLP/SPLP - Metals 1311/1312 4 to 8 oz Glass Jar / Cool 4°C Analyze within 128 Days (Hg = 28 days)
TCLP/SPLP - ZHE 1311/1312 4 to 8 oz Glass Jar / Cool 4°C Analyze within 14 Days
Total Organic Carbon EPA 9060A 4 to 8 oz Glass Jar / Cool 4°C Analyze within 28 Days
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) EPA 8260 4 to 8 oz Glass Jar / Field Preservation Kit / Cool 4°C Analyze within 14 Days
Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons (VPH) NWVPH 4 to 8 oz Glass Jar / Field Preservation Kit* / Cool 4°C Analyze within 14 Days
* The Field Preservation Kit for soil consists of (2) x 40 mL VOA Vials preserved with MeOH and 5g of sample volume.


Parameter Method Container/Preservatives Holding Time
Alkalinity SM 2320B 500mL/1L Polyethylene / Cool 4°C Analyze within 28 Days
Anions - Br, Cl, F, SO4 EPA 300.0 250 mL Polyethylene / Cool 4°C Analyze within 28 Days
Anions - NO2, NO3, PO4 EPA 300.0 250 mL Polyethylene / Cool 4°C Analyze within 48 Hours
Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) SM 5210B 1 L Polyethylene / Cool 4°C Analyze within 48 Hours
BTEX / Gasoline Range Hydrocarbons EPA 8021B/8260 40 mL Glass VOA Vial / Cool 4°C, HCl Analyze within 14 Days
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) SM 5220D 250 mL Polyethylene / Cool 4°C, H2SO4 Analyze within 28 Days
Coliform, Fecal SM 9222 110 mL Sterile / Cool 4°C Analyze within 6 hrs
Total Bacteria (E. Coli) EPA 1604 110 mL Sterile / Cool 4°C Analyze within 6 hrs
Cyanide, Total SM 4500-CN C,E 500 mL Polyethylene / Cool 4°C, NaOH Analyze within 14 Days
Diesel Range Organics NWTPH-Dx/EPA 8015/AK102-103 1 L Amber Glass / Cool 4°C/HCl Extract within 14 Days / Analyze within 40 Days of Extraction
Dissolved Organic Carbon SM 5310B 250/500 mL Amber Glass / Cool 4°C, H2SO4,Protect from Sunlight Analyze within 28 Days
Dissolved Oxygen ASTM D888 BOD Bottle / Cool 4°C <15 min
Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (EPH) NWEPH 1 L Amber Glass / Cool 4°C/HCl Extract within 14 Days / Analyze within 40 Days of Extraction
Herbicides EPA 8151A 1 L Amber Glass / Cool 4°C Extract within 7 Days / Analyze within 40 Days of Extraction
Hexavalent Chromium EPA 7196 250 to 500 mL Polyethylene / Cool 4°C Analyze within 24 Hours
Ignitability / Flashpoint ASTM D93/EPA 1010A 250 mL Amber Glass / Cool 4°C Analyze within 28 Days
Langelier Index / Corrosivity SM 2330B 1 L Polyethylene / Cool 4°C Analyze pH immediately
(Alk, Ca, pH, TDS)
Mercury (Hg) EPA 200.8/ 250 to 500 mL Polyethylene / Cool 4°C, HNO3 Analyze within 28 Days
Metals, Dissolved (Except Mercury) EPA 6020/200.8 250 to 500 mL Polyethylene (Field Filter) / Cool 4°C, HNO3 Analyze within 6 Months
Metals, Total (Except Mercury) EPA 6020/200.8 250 to 500 mL Polyethylene / Cool 4°C, HNO3 Analyze within 6 Months
Methane, Ethane, and Ethene RSK-175 40 mL Glass VOA Vial / Cool 4°C, HCl Analyze within 14 Days
- Ammonia SM 4500 NH3 D 1L Polyethylene / Cool 4°C, H2SO4 Analyze within 28 Days
- Kjeldahl SM 4500N 250 to 500 mL Polyethylene / Cool 4°C, H2SO4 Analyze within 28 Days
- Nitrate EPA 300.0 250 mL Polyethylene / Cool 4°C Analyze within 48 Hours
- Nitrite EPA 300.0 250 mL Polyethylene / Cool 4°C Analyze within 48 Hours
- Nitrate+Nitrite EPA 300.0 250 mL Polyethylene / Cool 4°C Analyze within 48 Hours
- Total Nitrogen SM 4500-NorgB 250 to 500 mL Polyethylene / Cool 4°C, H2SO4 Analyze within 28 Days
Oil & Grease EPA 1664 1 L Amber Glass / Cool 4°C Analyze within 28 Days
Pentachlorophenol EPA 8151 1 L Amber Glass / Cool 4°C Analyze within 14 Days
Pesticides EPA 8081/8141A 1 L Amber Glass / Cool 4°C Extract within 7 Days / Analyze within 40 Days of Extraction
pH SM 4500H+B 250 mL Polyethylene / Cool 4°C ASAP
Phosphorus, Total EPA 365.3 500 mL Polyethylene / Cool 4°C Analyze within 28 Days
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs/Aroclor) EPA 8082 1 L Amber Glass / Cool 4°C Extract within 7 Days / Analyze within 40 Days of Extraction
Residual Chlorine SM 4500Cl 250 mL Amber Glass / Cool 4°C <15 min
Salinity EPA 2520B 250 mL Polyethylene / Cool 4°C Analyze within 8 Days
Semi Volatile Organic Compounds (BNA, PAH) EPA 8270 1 L Amber Glass / Cool 4°C Extract within 7 Days / Analyze within 40 Days of Extraction
- Settleable SM 2540F 1 L Polyethylene / Cool 4°C Analyze within 48 Hours
- Total SM 2540B 500 mL Polyethylene / Cool 4°C Analyze within 7 Days
- Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540C 500 mL Polyethylene / Cool 4°C Analyze within 7 Days
- Total Suspended (TSS) SM 2540D 500 mL Polyethylene / Cool 4°C Analyze within 7 Days
- Total Volatile (TVS) SM 2540E 500 mL Polyethylene / Cool 4°C Analyze within 7 Days
Specific Conductance (Conductivity) SM 2510B 250 mL Polyethylene / Cool 4°C, Analyze within 48 hrs
Sulfide SM 4500-S2 -F 500 mL Polyethylene / Cool 4°C, Zn Acetate + NaOH Analyze within 7 days
Total Organic Carbons (TOC) SM 5310 C,B 250/500 mL Amber Glass / Cool 4°C, H2SO4,Protect from Sunlight Analyze within 28 Days
Turbidity EPA 180.1 250 mL Polyethylene / Cool 4°C Analyze within 48 Hours
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) EPA 8260 40 mL Glass VOA Vial / Cool 4°C, HCl Analyze within 14 Days
Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons (VPH) NWVPH 40 mL Glass VOA Vial / Cool 4°C, HCl Analyze within 14 Days


Parameter Method Container/Preservatives Holding Time
Anions EPA 300.0 250 to 500 mL Polyethylene / Cool 4°C Analyze within 48 Hours (NO3, NO2, PO4) Analyze within 28 Days (Br, Cl, F, SO4)
Coliform, Total SM 9222D (MF) 110 mL Sterile / Cool 4°C, Na2S2O3 30 Hours
Cyanide, Total SM 4500-CN E 500 mL Polyethylene / Cool 4°C, NaOH Analyze within 14 Days
Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) SM 5310C 250 mL Amber Glass / Cool 4°C Analyze within 28 Days
Hardness (as CaCO3) EPA 200.8 500 mL Polyethylene / Cool 4°C/td> Analyze within 14 Days
Metals EPA 200.8/245.1 1 L Polyethylene / Cool 4°C 180 Days (28 days for Mercury) after preservation
pH SM 4500H+B 250 mL Polyethylene / Cool 4°C Analyze immediately
Total Coliform (Coliform + E.Coli) SM9222D 110 mL Sterile / Cool 4°C, Na2S2O3 Analyze within 30 Hours
Total Organic Carbon (TOC) SM 5310B 500 mL Amber Glass / Cool 4°C, H2SO4,Protect from Sunlight Analyze within 28 Days
Total Dissolved (TDS) SM 2540C 500 mL Polyethylene / Cool 4°C Analyze within 7 Days
Turbidity EPA 180.1 250 mL Polyethylene / Cool 4°C Analyze within 48 Hours


Parameter Method Container/Preservatives Holding Time
Volatile Organic Compounds TO-15 Tedlar Bag/Summa Canister Analyze within 72 Hours/30 Days
Petroleum Fractionation (APH) TO-15 Tedlar Bag/Summa Canister Analyze within 72 Hours/30 Days
Sulfur Compounds TO-15 Tedlar Bag /Summa Canister Analyze within 24 Hours
Siloxanes TO-15 Tedlar Bag/Summa Canister Analyze within 72 Hours/30 Days
Major Gases EPA Method 3C Tedlar Bag Analyze within 72 Hours
Formaldehyde TO-11A Sorbent Tube Analyze within 2 Weeks
Hydrocarbons C2-C6 8015 Tedlar Bag Analyze within 72 Hours
Metals EPA 6020 NIOSH Filter Analyze within 7 Days
Helium GC-TCD Tedlar Bag/Summa Canister Analyze within 3 Days